歌羅西書 3章9節 到 3章9節     上一筆  下一筆
 {Lie not to another} (m(8820)pseudesthe eis all(886c)ous). Lying
(pseudos) could have been included in the preceding list where
it belongs in reality. But it is put more pointedly thus in the
prohibition (m(885c) and the present middle imperative). It means
either "stop lying" or "do not have the habit of lying." {Seeing
that ye have put off} (apekdusamenoi). First aorist middle
participle (causal sense of the circumstantial participle) of the
double compound verb apekduomai, for which see  2:15 . The
apo has the perfective sense (wholly), "having stripped clean
off." The same metaphor as apothesthe in verse  8 . {The old
man} (	on palaion anthr(9370)on). Here Paul brings in another
metaphor (mixes his metaphors as he often does), that of the old
life of sin regarded as "the ancient man" of sin already
crucified ( Ro 6:6 ) and dropped now once and for all as a mode
of life (aorist tense). See same figure in  Eph 4:22 . Palaios
is ancient in contrast with 
eos (young, new) as in  Mt 9:17 
or kainos (fresh, unused) as in  Mt 13:52 . {With his doings}
(sun tais praxesin autou). Practice must square with

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