約書亞記 5章15節 到 5章15節     上一筆  下一筆
 * Loose.
  Ex 3:5  Ac 7:32,33  2Pe 1:18 
 * And Joshua.
   Many persons have been puzzled to know what was intended by
   this extraordinary appearance of the angel to Joshua, because
   they supposed that the whole business ends with the chapter;
   whereas it is continued in the succeeding one, the first verse
   of which is a mere parenthesis, simply relating to the state
   of Jericho at the time when Joshua was favoured with this
   encouraging vision; by which he was shewn that their help came
   from God alone, and that it was not by human might or power,
   but by the Lord of hosts they were to obtain the victory.

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