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06814 Tso`an {tso'-an}

源自埃及文; 专有名词 地名

钦定本 - Zoan 7; 7

琐安 = "启程之地"
1) 南埃及的一个古老城市, 希腊人称之Tanis; 位于尼罗河支流Tanitic的东
   岸; Shepherd王朝的首都, 在西伯仑之后7年建立, 在亚伯拉罕之前就存在, 
   1a) 现代的'San'
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<音译> Tso`an
<词类> 名、专
<字义> 起程之地
<字源> 属埃及引申语
<神出> 民13:22
<译词> 琐安7 (7)
埃及古城名, 民13:22 诗78:12 赛19:11,13 30:4 结30:14

06814 Tso`an {tso'-an}

of Egyptian derivation;; n pr loc

AV - Zoan 7; 7

Zoan = "place of departure"
1) an ancient city of lower Egypt called Tanis by the Greeks; located
   on the eastern bank of the Tanitic branch of the Nile; the capital
   of the Shepherd dynasty, built 7 years after Hebron and existing
   before Abraham and the dwelling place of the Pharaoh at the time
   of the exodus
   1a) modern 'San'