05851 05853旧约新约 Strong's number
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05852 `Atarowth {at-aw-roth'} 或 `Ataroth {at-aw-roth'}

05850 的复数; 专有名词 地名

AV - Ataroth 5; 5

亚他绿 = "王冠"
1) 在基列约旦以东的城镇, 为迦得族所建造 ( 民32:3,34 )
2) 约旦河西,在以法莲及便雅悯之间的地方 ( 书16:2 )
3) 约旦河西,在以法莲的边界上的地方 ( 书16:7 )
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<神出> 民32:3
<译词>亚他绿2 亚他录1 亚大录1 (4)
1. 约但河东之一城, 民32:3,34

2. 在以法莲与便雅悯毗连之境, 书16:2

3. 以法莲东界之一镇, 书16:7

05852 `Atarowth {at-aw-roth'} or `Ataroth {at-aw-roth'}

pl of 05850;; n pr loc

AV - Ataroth 5; 5

Ataroth = "crowns"
1) a town east of the Jordan in Gilead, taken and built by the tribe
   of Gad
2) a place on the boundary of Ephraim and Manasseh
3) a place between Ephraim and Benjamin