04780 04782旧约新约 Strong's number
04781 orig  出现经文 同源字 相关查询
4781 sugkampto {soong-kamp'-to}

源自 48622578; 动词

钦定本 - bow down 1; 1

1) 使之弯曲 ( 罗11:10 )
04781 συγκάμπτω 动词
1不定式συνέκαμψα。「(使弯曲」。τὸν νῶτον αὐτῶν σύγκαμψον愿你们时常弯下他们的罗11:10诗69:23 )。*    说明
4781 sugkampto {soong-kamp'-to}

from 4862 and 2578;; v

AV - bow down 1; 1

1) to bend together, to bend completely
2) metaph. to subject one to error and hardness of heart, a figure taken
   from bowing the back by captives compelled to pass under the yoke