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60:1 (大卫与<0853>两河间的亚兰<0763><0853>琐巴的亚兰<0760>争战<09002><05327>(8687)的时候,约押<03097>转回<07725>(8799),在盐<04417><09002><01516>攻击<05221>(8686){<0853>}以东<0123>,杀了一万二千<06240><08147><0505>人。那时,大卫<09001><01732>作这金诗<04387>叫人学习<09001><03925>(8763),交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。调用<05921>为证的百合花<07802>。)神<0430>啊,你丢弃了我们<02186>(8804),使我们破败<06555>(8804);你向我们发怒<0599>(8804),求你使我们<09001>复兴<07725>(8787)
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764) upon Shushaneduth<07802>, Michtam<04387> of David<01732>, to teach<03925>(8763); when he strove<05327>(8687) with Aramnaharaim<0763><05104> and with Aramzobah<0760>, when Joab<03097> returned<07725>(8799), and smote<05221>(8686) of Edom<0123> in the valley<01516> of salt<04417> twelve<08147><06240> thousand<0505>.[Fo][Fo] O God<0430>, thou hast cast us off<02186>(8804), thou hast scattered<06555>(8804) us, thou hast been displeased<0599>(8804); O turn thyself to us again<07725>(8787). {Michtam: or, A golden Psalm} {scattered: Heb. broken}
60:2 你使地<0776>震动<07493>(8689),而且崩裂<06480>(8804);求你将裂口<07667>医好<07495>(8798),因为<03588>地摇动<04131>(8804)
Thou hast made the earth<0776> to tremble<07493>(8689); thou hast broken<06480>(8804) it: heal<07495>(8798) the breaches<07667> thereof; for it shaketh<04131>(8804).
60:3 你叫你的民<05971>遇见<07200>(8689)艰难<07186>;你叫我们喝<08248>(8689)那使人东倒西歪<08653>的酒<03196>
Thou hast shewed<07200>(8689) thy people<05971> hard things<07186>: thou hast made us to drink<08248>(8689) the wine<03196> of astonishment<08653>.
60:4 你把旌旗<05251><05414>(8804)给敬畏你的人<09001><03373>,可以为<04480><06440>真理<07189>扬起来<09001><05127>(8710)。(细拉<05542>
Thou hast given<05414>(8804) a banner<05251> to them that fear<03373> thee, that it may be displayed<05127>(8710) because<06440> of the truth<07189>. Selah<05542>.
60:5 求你应允我们<06030>(8798),用右手<03225>拯救<03467>(8685)我们,好叫<09001><04616>你所亲爱的人<03039>得救<02502>(8735)
That thy beloved<03039> may be delivered<02502>(8735); save<03467>(8685) with thy right hand<03225>, and hear<06030>(8798) me.
God<0430> hath spoken<01696>(8765) in his holiness<06944>; I will rejoice<05937>(8799), I will divide<02505>(8762) Shechem<07927>, and mete out<04058>(8762) the valley<06010> of Succoth<05523>.
60:7 基列<01568>是我的<09001>,玛拿西<04519>也是我的<09001>。以法莲<0669>是护卫<04581>我头<07218>的;犹大<03063>是我的杖<02710>(8781)
Gilead<01568> is mine, and Manasseh<04519> is mine; Ephraim<0669> also is the strength<04581> of mine head<07218>; Judah<03063> is my lawgiver<02710>(8781);
60:8 摩押<04124>是我的沐浴<07366><05518>;我要向<05921>以东<0123><07993>(8686)<05275>。{<05921>}非利士<06429>啊,你还能因我欢呼<07321>(8708)吗?
Moab<04124> is my washpot<05518><07366>; over Edom<0123> will I cast out<07993>(8686) my shoe<05275>: Philistia<06429>, triumph<07321>(8708) thou because of me. {triumph...: or, triumph thou over me: (by an irony)}
Who will bring<02986>(8686) me into the strong<04692> city<05892>? who will lead<05148>(8804) me into Edom<0123>? {strong...: Heb. city of strength?}
Wilt not thou, O God<0430>, which hadst cast us off<02186>(8804)? and thou , O God<0430>, which didst not go out<03318>(8799) with our armies<06635>?
60:11 求你{<03051>}{(8798)}帮助<05833>我们<09001>攻击敌人<04480><06862>,因为人<0120>的帮助<08668>是枉然的<07723>
Give<03051>(8798) us help<05833> from trouble<06862>: for vain<07723> is the help<08668> of man<0120>. {help of man: Heb. salvation, etc}
60:12 我们倚靠神<09002><0430>才得施展<06213>(8799)大能<02428>,因为践踏<0947>(8799)我们敌人<06862>的就是他<01931>
Through God<0430> we shall do<06213>(8799) valiantly<02428>: for he it is that shall tread down<0947>(8799) our enemies<06862>.

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