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57:1 (大卫<09001><01732>逃避<09002><01272>(8800){<04480>}{<06440>}扫罗<07586>,藏在洞里<09002><04631>。那时,他<09001>作这金诗<04387>,交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。调用休要毁坏<0516>(8686)。)神<0430>啊,求你怜悯我<02603>(8798),怜悯我<02603>(8798)!因为<03588>我的心<05315>投靠<02620>(8804)<09002>。我要投靠<02620>(8799)在你翅膀<03671>的荫下<09002><06738>,等到<05704>灾害<01942>过去<05674>(8799)
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), Altaschith<0516>(8686), Michtam<04387> of David<01732>, when he fled<01272>(8800) from<06440> Saul<07586> in the cave<04631>.[Fo][Fo] Be merciful<02603>(8798) unto me, O God<0430>, be merciful<02603>(8798) unto me: for my soul<05315> trusteth<02620>(8804) in thee: yea, in the shadow<06738> of thy wings<03671> will I make my refuge<02620>(8799), until these calamities<01942> be overpast<05674>(8799). {Altaschith: or, Destroy not} {Michtam: or, A golden Psalm}
57:2 我要求告<07121>(8799)至高的<05945><09001><0430>,就是为我<05921>成全<01584>(8802)诸事的神<09001><0410>
I will cry<07121>(8799) unto God<0430> most high<05945>; unto God<0410> that performeth<01584>(8802) all things for me.
57:3 那要吞我的人<07602>(8802)辱骂<02778>(8765)我的时候,神<0430>从天上<04480><08064>必施<07971>(8799)恩救我<03467>(8686),{<05542>}也必向我发出<07971>(8799)慈爱<02617>和诚实<0571>
He shall send<07971>(8799) from heaven<08064>, and save<03467>(8686) me from the reproach<02778>(8765) of him that would swallow me up<07602>(8802). Selah<05542>. God<0430> shall send forth<07971>(8799) his mercy<02617> and his truth<0571>. {from the...: or, he reproacheth him that}
57:4 我的性命<05315>在狮子<03833>中间<09002><08432>;我躺卧<07901>(8799)在性如烈火<03857>(8802)的世人<0120><01121>当中。他们的牙齿<08127>是枪<02595>、箭<02671>;他们的舌头<03956>是快<02299><02719>
My soul<05315> is among<08432> lions<03833>: and I lie<07901>(8799) even among them that are set on fire<03857>(8802), even the sons<01121> of men<0120>, whose teeth<08127> are spears<02595> and arrows<02671>, and their tongue<03956> a sharp<02299> sword<02719>.
Be thou exalted<07311>(8798), O God<0430>, above the heavens<08064>; let thy glory<03519> be above all the earth<0776>.
57:6 他们为我的脚<09001><06471>设下<03559>(8689)网罗<07568>,压制<03721>(8804)我的心<05315>;他们在我面前<09001><06440>挖了<03738>(8804)<07882>,自己反掉<05307>(8804)在其中<09002><08432>。(细拉<05542>
They have prepared<03559>(8689) a net<07568> for my steps<06471>; my soul<05315> is bowed down<03721>(8804): they have digged<03738>(8804) a pit<07882> before<06440> me, into the midst<08432> whereof they are fallen<05307>(8804) themselves . Selah<05542>.
My heart<03820> is fixed<03559>(8737), O God<0430>, my heart<03820> is fixed<03559>(8737): I will sing<07891>(8799) and give praise<02167>(8762). {fixed: or, prepared}
57:8 我的灵(原文是荣耀<03519>)啊,你当醒起<05782>(8798)!琴瑟<03658><05035>啊,你们当醒起<05782>(8798)!我自己要极早<07837>醒起<05782>(8686)
Awake up<05782>(8798), my glory<03519>; awake<05782>(8798), psaltery<05035> and harp<03658>: I myself will awake<05782>(8686) early<07837>.
57:9 主啊<0136>,我要在万民中<09002><05971>称谢你<03034>(8686),在列邦中<09002><03816>歌颂你<02167>(8762)
I will praise<03034>(8686) thee, O Lord<0136>, among the people<05971>: I will sing<02167>(8762) unto thee among the nations<03816>.
57:10 因为<03588>,你的慈爱<02617><01419><05704>诸天<08064>;你的诚实<0571>达到<05704>穹苍<07834>
For thy mercy<02617> is great<01419> unto the heavens<08064>, and thy truth<0571> unto the clouds<07834>.
Be thou exalted<07311>(8798), O God<0430>, above the heavens<08064>: let thy glory<03519> be above all the earth<0776>.

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