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11 当将你的粮食<03899><07971>(8761)<05921><04325><06440>,因为<03588><03117><09002><07230>必能得着<04672>(8799)
Cast<07971>(8761) thy bread<03899> upon<06440> the waters<04325>: for thou shalt find<04672>(8799) it after many<07230> days<03117>. {upon...: Heb. upon the face of the waters}
2 你要分<02506><05414>(8798)七人<09001><07651>,或<01571>分给八人<09001><08083>,因为<03588>你不<03808>知道<03045>(8799)将来有<01961>甚么<04100>灾祸<07451>临到<05921>地上<0776>
Give<05414>(8798) a portion<02506> to seven<07651>, and also to eight<08083>; for thou knowest<03045>(8799) not what evil<07451> shall be upon the earth<0776>.
If the clouds<05645> be full<04390>(8735) of rain<01653>, they empty<07324>(8686) themselves upon the earth<0776>: and if the tree<06086> fall<05307>(8799) toward the south<01864>, or toward the north<06828>, in the place<04725> where the tree<06086> falleth<05307>(8799), there it shall be<01933>(8799).
He that observeth<08104>(8802) the wind<07307> shall not sow<02232>(8799); and he that regardeth<07200>(8802) the clouds<05645> shall not reap<07114>(8799).
As thou knowest<03045>(8802) not what is the way<01870> of the spirit<07307>, nor how the bones<06106> do grow in the womb<0990> of her that is with child<04392>: even so thou knowest<03045>(8799) not the works<04639> of God<0430> who maketh<06213>(8799) all.
6 早晨<09002><01242>要撒<02232>(8798){<0853>}你的种<02233>,晚上<09001><06153>也不要<0408><05117>(8686)你的手<03027>,因为<03588>你不<0369>知道<03045>(8802)<0335>一样<02088>发旺<03787>(8799);或是早撒的,或是<0176>晚撒的,或是<0518><08147><09003><0259>都好<02896>
In the morning<01242> sow<02232>(8798) thy seed<02233>, and in the evening<06153> withhold<03240>(8686) not thine hand<03027>: for thou knowest<03045>(8802) not whether<0335> shall prosper<03787>(8799), either this or that, or whether they both<08147> shall be alike<0259> good<02896>. {shall prosper: Heb. shall be right}
Truly the light<0216> is sweet<04966>, and a pleasant<02896> thing it is for the eyes<05869> to behold<07200>(8800) the sun<08121>:
But if a man<0120> live<02421>(8799) many<07235>(8687) years<08141>, and rejoice<08055>(8799) in them all; yet let him remember<02142>(8799) the days<03117> of darkness<02822>; for they shall be many<07235>(8687). All that cometh<0935>(8804) is vanity<01892>.
9 少年人<0970>哪,你在幼年时<09002><03208>当快乐<08055>(8798)。在幼年<0979>的日子<09002><03117>,使你的心<03820>欢畅<03190>(8686),行<01980>(8761)你心<03820>所愿行的<09002><01870>,看你眼<05869>所爱看的<09002><04758>;却要知道<03045>(8798),{<03588>}为<05921><0428>一切的事<03605>,神<0430>必{<0935>}{(8686)}审问<09002><04941>你。
Rejoice<08055>(8798), O young man<0970>, in thy youth<03208>; and let thy heart<03820> cheer<02895>(8686) thee in the days<03117> of thy youth<0979>, and walk<01980>(8761) in the ways<01870> of thine heart<03820>, and in the sight<04758> of thine eyes<05869>: but know<03045>(8798) thou, that for all these things God<0430> will bring<0935>(8686) thee into judgment<04941>.
10 所以,你当从心中<04480><03820>除掉<05493>(8685)愁烦<03708>,从肉体<04480><01320>克去<05674>(8685)邪恶<07451>;因为<03588>一生的开端<03208>和幼年之时<07839>,都是虚空<01892>的。
Therefore remove<05493>(8685) sorrow<03708> from thy heart<03820>, and put away<05674>(8685) evil<07451> from thy flesh<01320>: for childhood<03208> and youth<07839> are vanity<01892>. {sorrow: or, anger}

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