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He that dwelleth<03427>(8802) in the secret<05643> place of the most High<05945> shall abide<03885>(8698) under the shadow<06738> of the Almighty<07706>. {abide: Heb. lodge}
2 我要论到耶和华<09001><03068><0559>(8799):他是我的避难所<04268>,是我的山寨<04686>,是我的神<0430>,是我所倚靠的<0982>(8799){<09002>}。
I will say<0559>(8799) of the LORD<03068>, He is my refuge<04268> and my fortress<04686>: my God<0430>; in him will I trust<0982>(8799).
3 {<03588>}他必<01931>救你<05337>(8686)脱离捕鸟人<03353>的网罗<04480><06341>和毒害<01942>的瘟疫<04480><01698>
Surely he shall deliver<05337>(8686) thee from the snare<06341> of the fowler<03353>, and from the noisome<01942> pestilence<01698>.
4 他必用自己的翎毛<09002><084>遮蔽<05526>(8686)<09001>;你要投靠<02620>(8799)在他的翅膀<03671>底下<08478>;他的诚实<0571>是大小的盾<06793><05507>
He shall cover<05526>(8686) thee with his feathers<084>, and under his wings<03671> shalt thou trust<02620>(8799): his truth<0571> shall be thy shield<06793> and buckler<05507>.
5 你必不<03808><03372>(8799)黑夜<03915>的惊骇<04480><06343>,或是白日<03119><05774>(8799)的箭<04480><02671>
Thou shalt not be afraid<03372>(8799) for the terror<06343> by night<03915>; nor for the arrow<02671> that flieth<05774>(8799) by day<03119>;
6 也不怕黑夜<09002><0652><01980>(8799)的瘟疫<04480><01698>,或是午间<06672>灭人的<07736>(8799)毒病<04480><06986>
Nor for the pestilence<01698> that walketh<01980>(8799) in darkness<0652>; nor for the destruction<06986> that wasteth<07736>(8799) at noonday<06672>.
7 虽有千<0505>人仆倒<05307>(8799)在你旁边<04480><06654>,万<07233>人仆倒在你右边<04480><03225>,这灾却不得<03808>临近<05066>(8799)<0413>
A thousand<0505> shall fall<05307>(8799) at thy side<06654>, and ten thousand<07233> at thy right hand<03225>; but it shall not come nigh<05066>(8799) thee.
8 你惟<07535>亲眼<09002><05869>观看<05027>(8686),见<07200>(8799)恶人<07563>遭报<08011>
Only with thine eyes<05869> shalt thou behold<05027>(8686) and see<07200>(8799) the reward<08011> of the wicked<07563>.
9 {<03588>}耶和华<03068>是我的避难所<04268>;你<0859>已将至高者<05945><07760>(8804)你的居所<04583>
Because thou hast made<07760>(8804) the LORD<03068>, which is my refuge<04268>, even the most High<05945>, thy habitation<04583>;
10 祸患<07451>必不<03808>临到<0579>(8792)<0413>,灾害<05061>也不<03808>挨近<07126>(8799)你的帐棚<09002><0168>
There shall no evil<07451> befall<0579>(8792) thee, neither shall any plague<05061> come nigh<07126>(8799) thy dwelling<0168>.
For he shall give his angels<04397> charge<06680>(8762) over thee, to keep<08104>(8800) thee in all thy ways<01870>.
12 他们要用<05921><03709>托着你<05375>(8799),免得<06435>你的脚<07272><05062>(8799)在石头上<09002><068>
They shall bear thee up<05375>(8799) in their hands<03709>, lest thou dash<05062>(8799) thy foot<07272> against a stone<068>.
13 你要踹<01869>(8799)<05921>狮子<07826>和虺蛇<06620>的身上,践踏<07429>(8799)少壮狮子<03715>和大蛇<08577>
Thou shalt tread<01869>(8799) upon the lion<07826> and adder<06620>: the young lion<03715> and the dragon<08577> shalt thou trample under feet<07429>(8799). {adder: or, asp}
14 神说:因为<03588>他专心爱<02836>(8804)<09002>,我就要搭救他<06403>(8762);因为<03588>他知道<03045>(8804)我的名<08034>,我要把他安置在高处<07682>(8762)
Because he hath set his love<02836>(8804) upon me, therefore will I deliver<06403>(8762) him: I will set him on high<07682>(8762), because he hath known<03045>(8804) my name<08034>.
15 他若求告我<07121>(8799),我就应允他<06030>(8799);他在急难中<09002><06869>,我要<0595>与他同在<05973>;我要搭救他<02502>(8762),使他尊贵<03513>(8762)
He shall call<07121>(8799) upon me, and I will answer<06030>(8799) him: I will be with him in trouble<06869>; I will deliver<02502>(8762) him, and honour<03513>(8762) him.
16 我要使他足享<07646>(8686)<0753>寿<03117>,将我的救恩<09002><03444>显明给他<07200>(8686)
With long<0753> life<03117> will I satisfy<07646>(8686) him, and shew<07200>(8686) him my salvation<03444>. {long...: Heb. length of days}

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