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79 (亚萨的<09001><0623><04210>。)神<0430>啊,外邦人<01471><0935>(8804)入你的产业<09002><05159>,污秽<02930>(8765){<0853>}你的圣<06944>殿<01964>,使<07760>(8804){<0853>}耶路撒冷<03389>变成荒堆<09001><05856>
[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210> of Asaph<0623>.[Fo][Fo] O God<0430>, the heathen<01471> are come<0935>(8804) into thine inheritance<05159>; thy holy<06944> temple<01964> have they defiled<02930>(8765); they have laid<07760>(8804) Jerusalem<03389> on heaps<05856>. {of: or, for}
The dead bodies<05038> of thy servants<05650> have they given<05414>(8804) to be meat<03978> unto the fowls<05775> of the heaven<08064>, the flesh<01320> of thy saints<02623> unto the beasts<02416> of the earth<0776>.
3 在耶路撒冷<03389>周围<05439><08210>(8804)他们的血<01818>如水<09003><04325>,无人<0369>葬埋<06912>(8802)
Their blood<01818> have they shed<08210>(8804) like water<04325> round about<05439> Jerusalem<03389>; and there was none to bury<06912>(8802) them .
4 我们成为<01961>邻国<09001><07934>的羞辱<02781>,成为我们四围<09001><05439>人的嗤笑<03933>讥刺<07047>
We are become a reproach<02781> to our neighbours<07934>, a scorn<03933> and derision<07047> to them that are round about<05439> us.
5 耶和华<03068>啊,这到<05704>几时<04100>呢?你要动怒<0599>(8799)到永远<09001><05331>吗?你的愤恨<07068>要如<03644><0784>焚烧<01197>(8799)吗?
How long, LORD<03068>? wilt thou be angry<0599>(8799) for ever<05331>? shall thy jealousy<07068> burn<01197>(8799) like fire<0784>?
6 愿你将你的忿怒<02534><08210>(8798)<0413><0834><03808>认识你<03045>(8804)的外邦<01471><05921><0834><03808>求告<07121>(8804)你名<09002><08034>的国度<04467>
Pour out<08210>(8798) thy wrath<02534> upon the heathen<01471> that have not known<03045>(8804) thee, and upon the kingdoms<04467> that have not called<07121>(8804) upon thy name<08034>.
7 因为<03588>他们吞了<0398>(8804){<0853>}雅各<03290>,把<0853>他的住处<05116>变为荒场<08074>(8689)
For they have devoured<0398>(8804) Jacob<03290>, and laid waste<08074>(8689) his dwelling place<05116>.
8 求你不要<0408>记念<02142>(8799)我们先祖<07223>的罪孽<05771>,向我们追讨<09001>;愿你的慈悲<07356><04118>迎着我们<06923>(8762),因为<03588>我们落到<01809><00><03966>卑微<01809>(8804)的地步。
O remember<02142>(8799) not against us former<07223> iniquities<05771>: let thy tender mercies<07356> speedily<04118> prevent<06923>(8762) us: for we are brought<01809><00> very<03966> low<01809>(8804). {former...: or, the iniquities of them that were before us}
9 拯救我们<03468>的神<0430>啊,求你因<05921><01697>你名<08034>的荣耀<03519>帮助我们<05826>(8798)!为你名<08034>的缘故<09001><04616>搭救我们<05337>(8685),赦免<03722>(8761){<05921>}我们的罪<02403>
Help<05826>(8798) us, O God<0430> of our salvation<03468>, for<01697> the glory<03519> of thy name<08034>: and deliver<05337>(8685) us, and purge away<03722>(8761) our sins<02403>, for thy name's<08034> sake.
10 为何<09001><04100>容外邦人<01471><0559>(8799)他们的神<0430>在哪里呢<0346>?愿你使外邦人<09002><01471>知道<03045>(8735)你在我们眼前<09001><05869>伸你仆人<05650><08210>(8803)<01818>的冤<05360>
Wherefore should the heathen<01471> say<0559>(8799), Where is their God<0430>? let him be known<03045>(8735) among the heathen<01471> in our sight<05869> by the revenging<05360> of the blood<01818> of thy servants<05650> which is shed<08210>(8803). {revenging: Heb. vengeance}
11 愿被囚之人<0615>的叹息<0603><0935>(8799)到你面前<09001><06440>;愿你按你的大<09003><01433>能力<02220>存留<03498>(8685)那些将要死<08546>的人<01121>
Let the sighing<0603> of the prisoner<0615> come<0935>(8799) before<06440> thee; according to the greatness<01433> of thy power<02220> preserve<03498>(8685) thou those that are appointed<01121> to die<08546>; {thy...: Heb. thine arm} {preserve...: Heb. reserve the children of death}
And render<07725>(8685) unto our neighbours<07934> sevenfold<07659> into their bosom<02436> their reproach<02781>, wherewith they have reproached<02778>(8765) thee, O Lord<0136>.
13 这样{<0587>},你的民<05971>,你草场<04830>的羊<06629>,要称谢<03034>(8686)<09001>,直到永远<09001><05769>;要述说<05608>(8762)赞美你的话<08416>,直到万代<09001><01755><01755>
So we thy people<05971> and sheep<06629> of thy pasture<04830> will give thee thanks<03034>(8686) for ever<05769>: we will shew forth<05608>(8762) thy praise<08416> to all<01755> generations<01755>. {to all...: Heb. to generation and generation}

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