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65 (大卫的<09001><01732><04210><07892>,交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。)神<0430>啊,锡安的人<09002><06726>都等候<01747>赞美<08416><09001>;所许的愿<05088>也要向你<09001>偿还<07999>(8792)
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), A Psalm<04210> and Song<07892> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Praise<08416> waiteth<01747> for thee, O God<0430>, in Sion<06726>: and unto thee shall the vow<05088> be performed<07999>(8792). {waiteth: Heb. is silent}
O thou that hearest<08085>(8802) prayer<08605>, unto thee shall all flesh<01320> come<0935>(8799).
3 罪孽<01697><05771>胜了<01396>(8804)<04480>;至于我们的过犯<06588>,你<0859>都要赦免<03722>(8762)
Iniquities<01697><05771> prevail<01396>(8804) against me: as for our transgressions<06588>, thou shalt purge them away<03722>(8762). {iniquities: Heb. Words, or, Matters of iniquities}
4 你所拣选<0977>(8799)、使他亲近<07126>(8762)你、住在<07931>(8799)你院<02691>中的,这人便为有福<0835>!我们必因你居所<01004>、你圣<06918>殿<01964>的美福<09002><02898>知足了<07646>(8799)
Blessed<0835> is the man whom thou choosest<0977>(8799), and causest to approach<07126>(8762) unto thee, that he may dwell<07931>(8799) in thy courts<02691>: we shall be satisfied<07646>(8799) with the goodness<02898> of thy house<01004>, even of thy holy<06918> temple<01964>.
5 拯救我们<03468>的神<0430>啊,你必以威严<03372>(8737)秉公义<09002><06664>应允我们<06030>(8799);你本是一切<03605><0776><07099>和海<03220>上远处<07350>的人所倚靠的<04009>
By terrible things<03372>(8737) in righteousness<06664> wilt thou answer<06030>(8799) us, O God<0430> of our salvation<03468>; who art the confidence<04009> of all the ends<07099> of the earth<0776>, and of them that are afar off<07350> upon the sea<03220>:
6 他既以大能<09002><01369>束腰<0247>(8737),就用力量<09002><03581>安定<03559>(8688)诸山<02022>
Which by his strength<03581> setteth fast<03559>(8688) the mountains<02022>; being girded<0247>(8737) with power<01369>:
7 使诸海<03220>的响声<07588>和其中波浪<01530>的响声<07588>,并万民<03816>的喧哗<01995>,都平静了<07623>(8688)
Which stilleth<07623>(8688) the noise<07588> of the seas<03220>, the noise<07588> of their waves<01530>, and the tumult<01995> of the people<03816>.
8 住在<03427>(8802)地极<07117>的人因你的神迹<04480><0226>惧怕<03372>(8799);你使日<01242><04161>日落<06153>之地都欢呼<07442>(8686)
They also that dwell<03427>(8802) in the uttermost parts<07099> are afraid<03372>(8799) at thy tokens<0226>: thou makest the outgoings<04161> of the morning<01242> and evening<06153> to rejoice<07442>(8686). {rejoice: or, sing}
9 你眷顾<06485>(8804)<0776>,降下透雨<07783>(8787),使地大得<07227>肥美<06238>(8686)。神<0430>的河<06388>满了<04390>(8804)<04325>;你这样<03588><03651>浇灌了<03559>(8686)地,好为人预备<03559>(8686)五谷<01715>
Thou visitest<06485>(8804) the earth<0776>, and waterest<07783>(8787) it: thou greatly<07227> enrichest<06238>(8686) it with the river<06388> of God<0430>, which is full<04390>(8804) of water<04325>: thou preparest<03559>(8686) them corn<01715>, when thou hast so provided<03559>(8686) for it. {and...: or, after thou hadst made it to desire rain}
10 你浇透<07301>(8761)地的犁沟<08525>,润平<05181>(8763)犁脊<01417>(8676)<01418>,降甘霖<09002><07241>,使地软和<04127>(8787);其中发长的<06780>,蒙你赐福<01288>(8762)
Thou waterest<07301><00> the ridges<08525> thereof abundantly<07301>(8761): thou settlest<05181>(8763) the furrows<01417>(8676)<01418> thereof: thou makest it soft<04127>(8787) with showers<07241>: thou blessest<01288>(8762) the springing<06780> thereof. {settlest: or, causest rain to descend into} {makest...: Heb. dissolvest it}
11 你以恩典<02896>为年岁<08141>的冠冕<05849>(8765);你的路径<04570>都滴下<07491>(8799)脂油<01880>
Thou crownest<05849>(8765) the year<08141> with thy goodness<02896>; and thy paths<04570> drop<07491>(8799) fatness<01880>. {with: Heb. of}
12 滴在<07491>(8799)旷野<04057>的草场<04999>上。小山<01389>以欢乐<01524>束腰<02296>(8799)
They drop<07491>(8799) upon the pastures<04999> of the wilderness<04057>: and the little hills<01389> rejoice<01524> on every side<02296>(8799). {rejoice...: Heb. are girded with joy}
13 草场<03733>以羊群<06629>为衣<03847>(8804);谷<06010>中也长满了<05848>(8799)五谷<01250>。这一切都<0637>欢呼<07321>(8709)歌唱<07891>(8799)
The pastures<03733> are clothed<03847>(8804) with flocks<06629>; the valleys<06010> also are covered over<05848>(8799) with corn<01250>; they shout for joy<07321>(8709), they also sing<07891>(8799).

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