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63 (大卫<09001><01732><09002><01961>犹大<03063>旷野<09002><04057>的时候,作了这诗<04210>。)神<0430>啊,你<0859>是我的神<0410>,我要切切地寻求你<07836>(8762),在干旱<06723>疲乏<05889><01097><04325>之地<09002><0776>,我<01320>渴想<03642>(8804)<09001>;我的心<05315>切慕<06770>(8804)<09001>
[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>, when he was in the wilderness<04057> of Judah<03063>.[Fo][Fo] O God<0430>, thou art my God<0410>; early will I seek<07836>(8762) thee: my soul<05315> thirsteth<06770>(8804) for thee, my flesh<01320> longeth<03642>(8804) for thee in a dry<06723> and thirsty<05889> land<0776>, where no<01097> water<04325> is; {thirsty: Heb. weary} {where...: without water}
2 我在圣所中<09002><06944>曾如此<03651>瞻仰你<02372>(8804),为要见<09001><07200>(8800)你的能力<05797>和你的荣耀<03519>
To see<07200>(8800) thy power<05797> and thy glory<03519>, so as I have seen<02372>(8804) thee in the sanctuary<06944>.
Because thy lovingkindness<02617> is better<02896> than life<02416>, my lips<08193> shall praise<07623>(8762) thee.
4 我还活的时候<09002><02416>要这样<03651>称颂你<01288>(8762);我要奉你的名<09002><08034><05375>(8799)<03709>
Thus will I bless<01288>(8762) thee while I live<02416>: I will lift up<05375>(8799) my hands<03709> in thy name<08034>.
5 {<0518>}我在<05921><03326>上记念你<02142>(8804),在夜更的时候<09002><0821>思想<01897>(8799)<09002>;我的心<05315>就像<03644>饱足了<07646>(8799)骨髓<02459>肥油<01880>,我也要以欢乐<07445>的嘴<06310><08193>赞美<01984>(8762)你。
My soul<05315> shall be satisfied<07646>(8799) as with marrow<02459> and fatness<01880>; and my mouth<06310> shall praise<01984>(8762) thee with joyful<07445> lips<08193>: {marrow: Heb. fatness}
6 【并于上节】
When I remember<02142>(8804) thee upon my bed<03326>, and meditate<01897>(8799) on thee in the night watches<0821>.
7 因为<03588>你曾<01961>帮助<05833><09001>,我就在你翅膀<03671>的荫下<09002><06738>欢呼<07442>(8762)
Because thou hast been my help<05833>, therefore in the shadow<06738> of thy wings<03671> will I rejoice<07442>(8762).
8 我心<05315>紧紧地<01692>(8804)跟随你<0310>;你的右手<03225>扶持<08551>(8804)<09002>
My soul<05315> followeth hard<01692>(8804) after<0310> thee: thy right hand<03225> upholdeth<08551>(8804) me.
9 但那些<01992>寻索<01245>(8762)要灭<09001><07722>我命<05315>的人必往地<0776>底下<09002><08482><0935>(8799)
But those that seek<01245>(8762) my soul<05315>, to destroy<07722> it , shall go<0935>(8799) into the lower parts<08482> of the earth<0776>.
10 他们必被{<05921>}{<03027>}刀剑<02719>所杀<05064>(8686),{<01961>}被野狗<07776>所吃<04521>
They shall fall<05064>(8686) by the sword<03027><02719>: they shall be a portion<04521> for foxes<07776>. {They shall fall...: Heb. They shall make him run out like water by the hands of}
11 但是王<04428>必因神<09002><0430>欢喜<08055>(8799)。凡<03605>指着他<09002>发誓的<07650>(8737)必要夸口<01984>(8691),因为<03588><01696>(8802)<08267>之人的口<06310>必被塞住<05534>(8735)
But the king<04428> shall rejoice<08055>(8799) in God<0430>; every one that sweareth<07650>(8737) by him shall glory<01984>(8691): but the mouth<06310> of them that speak<01696>(8802) lies<08267> shall be stopped<05534>(8735).

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