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61 (大卫的<09001><01732>诗,交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。用<05921>丝弦的乐器<05058>。)神<0430>啊,求你听<08085>(8798)我的呼求<07440>,侧耳听<07181>(8685)我的祷告<08605>
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764) upon Neginah<05058>, A Psalm of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Hear<08085>(8798) my cry<07440>, O God<0430>; attend<07181>(8685) unto my prayer<08605>.
2 我心里<03820>发昏的时候<09002><05848>(8800),我要从地<0776><04480><07097>求告<07121>(8799)<0413>。求你领我<05148>(8686)到那比我更<04480>高的<07311>(8799)磐石<09002><06697>
From the end<07097> of the earth<0776> will I cry<07121>(8799) unto thee, when my heart<03820> is overwhelmed<05848>(8800): lead<05148>(8686) me to the rock<06697> that is higher<07311>(8799) than I.
3 因为<03588>你作过<01961>我的<09001>避难所<04268>,作过我的坚固<05797><04026>,脱离<04480><06440>仇敌<0341>(8802)
For thou hast been a shelter<04268> for me, and a strong<05797> tower<04026> from<06440> the enemy<0341>(8802).
4 我要永远<05769><01481>(8799)在你的帐幕里<09002><0168>!我要投靠<02620>(8799)在你翅膀<03671>下的隐密处<09002><05643>!(细拉<05542>
I will abide<01481>(8799) in thy tabernacle<0168> for ever<05769>: I will trust<02620>(8799) in the covert<05643> of thy wings<03671>. Selah<05542>. {trust: or, make my refuge}
For thou, O God<0430>, hast heard<08085>(8804) my vows<05088>: thou hast given<05414>(8804) me the heritage<03425> of those that fear<03373> thy name<08034>.
6 你要加添<03254>(8686)<04428>的寿数<03117><05921><03117>;他的年岁<08141>必存到世世<03644><01755><01755>
Thou wilt prolong<03254>(8686) the king's<04428> life<03117><03117>: and his years<08141> as many<01755> generations<01755>. {Thou...: Heb. Thou shalt add days to the days of the king} {as...: Heb. as generation and generation}
7 他必永远<05769>坐在<03427>(8799)<0430>面前<09001><06440>;愿你预备<04487>(8761)慈爱<02617>和诚实<0571>保佑他<05341>(8799)
He shall abide<03427>(8799) before<06440> God<0430> for ever<05769>: O prepare<04487>(8761) mercy<02617> and truth<0571>, which may preserve<05341>(8799) him.
8 这样<03651>,我要歌颂<02167>(8762)你的名<08034>,直到永远<09001><05703>,好天<03117><03117><09001><07999>(8763)我所许的愿<05088>
So will I sing<02167>(8762) praise unto thy name<08034> for ever<05703>, that I may daily<03117><03117> perform<07999>(8763) my vows<05088>.

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