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29 (大卫的<09001><01732><04210>。)神<0410>的众子<01121>啊,你们要将荣耀<03519>、能力<05797><03051>(8798)给耶和华<09001><03068>,归<03051>(8798)给耶和华<09001><03068>
[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] Give<03051>(8798) unto the LORD<03068>, O ye mighty<01121><0410>, give<03051>(8798) unto the LORD<03068> glory<03519> and strength<05797>. {ye mighty: Heb. ye sons of the mighty}
2 要将耶和华<09001><03068>的名<08034>所当得的荣耀<03519><03051>(8798)给他,以圣洁<06944>的(的:或译为)妆饰<09002><01927>敬拜<07812>(8690)耶和华<09001><03068>
Give<03051>(8798) unto the LORD<03068> the glory<03519> due unto his name<08034>; worship<07812>(8690) the LORD<03068> in the beauty<01927> of holiness<06944>. {the glory...: Heb. the honour of his name} {in...: or, in his glorious sanctuary}
3 耶和华<03068>的声音<06963>发在<05921>水上<04325>;荣耀<03519>的神<0410>打雷<07481>(8689),耶和华<03068>打雷在<05921><07227><04325>之上。
The voice<06963> of the LORD<03068> is upon the waters<04325>: the God<0410> of glory<03519> thundereth<07481>(8689): the LORD<03068> is upon many<07227> waters<04325>. {many: or, great}
4 耶和华<03068>的声音<06963>大有能力<09002><03581>;耶和华<03068>的声音<06963>满有威严<09002><01926>
The voice<06963> of the LORD<03068> is powerful<03581>; the voice<06963> of the LORD<03068> is full of majesty<01926>. {powerful: Heb. in power} {full...: Heb. in majesty}
5 耶和华<03068>的声音<06963>震破<07665>(8799)香柏树<0730>;耶和华<03068>震碎<07665>(8762){<0853>}黎巴嫩<03844>的香柏树<0730>
The voice<06963> of the LORD<03068> breaketh<07665>(8799) the cedars<0730>; yea, the LORD<03068> breaketh<07665>(8762) the cedars<0730> of Lebanon<03844>.
6 他也使之跳跃<07540>(8686)<03644>牛犊<05695>,使黎巴嫩<03844>和西连<08303>跳跃如<03644>野牛<07214><01121>
He maketh them also to skip<07540>(8686) like a calf<05695>; Lebanon<03844> and Sirion<08303> like a young<01121> unicorn<07214>.
7 耶和华<03068>的声音<06963>使火<0784><03852>分岔<02672>(8802)
The voice<06963> of the LORD<03068> divideth<02672>(8802) the flames<03852> of fire<0784>. {divideth: Heb. cutteth out}
8 耶和华<03068>的声音<06963>震动<02342>(8799)旷野<04057>;耶和华<03068>震动<02342>(8799)加低斯<06946>的旷野<04057>
The voice<06963> of the LORD<03068> shaketh<02342>(8799) the wilderness<04057>; the LORD<03068> shaketh<02342>(8799) the wilderness<04057> of Kadesh<06946>.
9 耶和华<03068>的声音<06963>惊动母鹿<0355>落胎<02342>(8787),树木<03293>也脱落净光<02834>(8799)。凡在他殿中<09002><01964>的,都<03605>称说<0559>(8802)他的荣耀<03519>
The voice<06963> of the LORD<03068> maketh the hinds<0355> to calve<02342>(8787), and discovereth<02834>(8799) the forests<03295>: and in his temple<01964> doth every one speak<0559>(8802) of his glory<03519>. {to calve: or, to be in pain} {doth...: or, every whit of it uttereth, etc}
10 洪水泛滥<09001><03999>之时,耶和华<03068>坐着<03427>(8804)为王;耶和华<03068>坐着<03427>(8799)为王<04428>,直到永远<09001><05769>
The LORD<03068> sitteth<03427>(8804) upon the flood<03999>; yea, the LORD<03068> sitteth<03427>(8799) King<04428> for ever<05769>.
11 耶和华<03068>必赐<05414>(8799)力量<05797>给他的百姓<09001><05971>;耶和华<03068>必赐<01288>(8762)平安<09002><07965>的福给<0853>他的百姓<05971>
The LORD<03068> will give<05414>(8799) strength<05797> unto his people<05971>; the LORD<03068> will bless<01288>(8762) his people<05971> with peace<07965>.

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