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So I returned<07725>(8804), and considered<07200>(8799) all the oppressions<06217> that are done<06213>(8737) under the sun<08121>: and behold the tears<01832> of such as were oppressed<06231>(8803), and they had no comforter<05162>(8764); and on the side<03027> of their oppressors<06231>(8802) there was power<03581>; but they had no comforter<05162>(8764). {side: Heb. hand}
2 因此,我<0589>赞叹<07623>(8764)<0853>早已<07945><03528>死的<04191>(8804)死人<04191>(8801),胜过<04480>{<0834>}那<01992><05728>活着<02416>的活人<02416>
Wherefore I praised<07623>(8764) the dead<04191>(8801) which are already<03528> dead<04191>(8804) more than the living<02416> which are yet<05728> alive<02416>.
3 并且我以为{<0853>}那<0834><03808><05728>生的<01961>,就是<0834><03808>见过<07200>(8804){<0853>}日光<08121>之下<08478><07451><04639>的{<0834>}{<06213>}{(8738)},比这两等人<04480><08147>更强<02896>
Yea, better<02896> is he than both<08147> they, which hath not yet<05728> been, who hath not seen<07200>(8804) the evil<07451> work<04639> that is done<06213>(8738) under the sun<08121>.
Again, I considered<07200>(8804) all travail<05999>, and every right<03788> work<04639>, that for this a man<0376> is envied<07068> of his neighbour<07453>. This is also vanity<01892> and vexation<07469> of spirit<07307>. {every...: Heb. all the rightness of work} {for this...: Heb. this is the envy of a man from his neighbour}
5 愚昧人<03684>抱着<02263>(8802){<0853>}手<03027>,吃<0398>(8802){<0853>}自己的肉<01320>
The fool<03684> foldeth<02263><00> his hands<03027> together<02263>(8802), and eateth<0398>(8802) his own flesh<01320>.
6 满了<04393>一把<03709>,得享安静<05183>,强<02896>如满了<04480><04393>两把<02651>,劳碌<05999><07469><07307>
Better<02896> is an handful<03709> with quietness<05183>, than both the hands<02651> full<04393> with travail<05999> and vexation<07469> of spirit<07307>.
Then I returned<07725>(8804), and I saw<07200>(8799) vanity<01892> under the sun<08121>.
There is<03426> one<0259> alone , and there is not a second<08145>; yea, he hath neither child<01121> nor brother<0251>: yet is there no end<07093> of all his labour<05999>; neither is his eye<05869> satisfied<07646>(8799) with riches<06239>; neither saith he , For whom do I labour<06001>, and bereave<02637>(8764) my soul<05315> of good<02896>? This is also vanity<01892>, yea, it is a sore<07451> travail<06045>.
9 两个人<08147>总比<04480>一个人<0259><02896>,因为<0834>二人劳碌<09002><05999>同得<03426>{<09001>}美好的<02896>果效<07939>
Two<08147> are better<02896> than one<0259>; because they have<03426> a good<02896> reward<07939> for their labour<05999>.
10 {<03588>}若<0518>是跌倒<05307>(8799),这人<0259>可以扶起<06965>(8686){<0853>}他的同伴<02270>;若是孤身<0259>跌倒<07945><05307>(8799),没有<0369>别人<08145>扶起他来<09001><06965>(8687),这人就有祸了<0337>
For if they fall<05307>(8799), the one<0259> will lift up<06965>(8686) his fellow<02270>: but woe<0337> to him that is alone<0259> when he falleth<05307>(8799); for he hath not another<08145> to help him up<06965>(8687).
11 再者<01571>,{<0518>}二人<08147>同睡<07901>(8799)就都暖和<02552>(8804){<09001>},一人<09001><0259>独睡怎能<0349>暖和<03179>(8799)呢?
Again<01571>, if two<08147> lie together<07901>(8799), then they have heat<02552>(8804): but how can one<0259> be warm<03179>(8799) alone ?
12 有人攻胜<08630>(8799)孤身一人<0259>,若<0518>有二人<08147>便能敌挡<05975>(8799)<05048>;三股合成<08027>(8794)的绳子<02339><03808>容易<09002><04120>折断<05423>(8735)
And if one<0259> prevail<08630>(8799) against him, two<08147> shall withstand<05975>(8799) him; and a threefold<08027>(8794) cord<02339> is not quickly<04120> broken<05423>(8735).
13 贫穷<04542>而有智慧<02450>的少年人<03206>胜过<02896>{<04480>}年老<02205>{<0834>}不<03808><03045>(8804)纳谏<09001><02094>(8736){<05750>}的愚昧<03684><04428>
Better<02896> is a poor<04542> and a wise<02450> child<03206> than an old<02205> and foolish<03684> king<04428>, who will<03045>(8804) no more be admonished<02094>(8736). {who...: Heb. who knoweth not to be admonished}
14 这人<03588>是从<04480>监牢中<01004><0631>(8803)出来<03318>(8804)作王<09001><04427>(8800),在他国中<09002><04438>,生来<03205>(8738)原是<03588><01571>贫穷的<07326>(8802)
For out of prison<0631>(8803)<01004> he cometh<03318>(8804) to reign<04427>(8800); whereas also he that is born<03205>(8738) in his kingdom<04438> becometh poor<07326>(8802).
15 我见<07200>(8804){<0853>}日光<08121>之下<08478>一切<03605>行动<01980>(8764)的活人<02416>都随从<05973>那第二位<08145>,就是<0834>起来<05975>(8799)代替<08478>老王的少年人<03206>
I considered<07200>(8804) all the living<02416> which walk<01980>(8764) under the sun<08121>, with the second<08145> child<03206> that shall stand up<05975>(8799) in his stead.
16 他所治理的{<09001>}{<06440>}众人<09001><03605>就是<0834><01961>他的百姓<09001><03605><05971>,多得无<0369><07093>;在他后来的人<0314>尚且<01571><03808>喜悦<08055>(8799)<09002>。这<02088><03588><01571>是虚空<01892>,也是捕<07475><07307>
There is no end<07093> of all the people<05971>, even of all that have been before<06440> them: they also that come after<0314> shall not rejoice<08055>(8799) in him. Surely this also is vanity<01892> and vexation<07475> of spirit<07307>.

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