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100 (称谢<09001><08426><04210>。)普<03605>天下<0776>当向耶和华<09001><03068>欢呼<07321>(8685)
[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210> of praise<08426>.[Fo][Fo] Make a joyful noise<07321>(8685) unto the LORD<03068>, all ye lands<0776>. {praise: or, thanksgiving} {all...: Heb. all the earth}
2 你们当乐意<09002><08057>事奉<05647>(8798){<0853>}耶和华<03068>,当来<0935>(8798)向他<09001><06440>歌唱<09002><07445>
Serve<05647>(8798) the LORD<03068> with gladness<08057>: come<0935>(8798) before his presence<06440> with singing<07445>.
3 你们当晓得<03045>(8798){<03588>}耶和华<03068><01931>上帝<0430>!我们是他<01931>造的<06213>(8804),也是属他的{<09001>}{<03808>}{<0587>};我们是他的民<05971>,也是他草场<04830>的羊<06629>
Know<03045>(8798) ye that the LORD<03068> he is God<0430>: it is he that hath made<06213>(8804) us, and not we ourselves; we are his people<05971>, and the sheep<06629> of his pasture<04830>. {and not...: or, and his we are}
4 当称谢<09002><08426>进入<0935>(8798)他的门<08179>;当赞美<09002><08416>进入他的院<02691>。当感谢<03034>(8685)<09001>,称颂<01288>(8761)他的名<08034>
Enter<0935>(8798) into his gates<08179> with thanksgiving<08426>, and into his courts<02691> with praise<08416>: be thankful<03034>(8685) unto him, and bless<01288>(8761) his name<08034>.
5 因为<03588>耶和华<03068>本为善<02896>。他的慈爱<02617>存到永远<09001><05769>;他的信实<0530>直到<05704>万代<01755><01755>
For the LORD<03068> is good<02896>; his mercy<02617> is everlasting<05769>; and his truth<0530> endureth to all<01755> generations<01755>. {to all...: Heb. to generation and generation}

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