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27 约伯<0347>接着<03254>(8686){<05375>}{(8800)}{<04912>}说<0559>(8799)
Moreover Job<0347> continued<03254>(8686)<05375>(8800) his parable<04912>, and said<0559>(8799), {continued: Heb. added to take up}
2 上帝夺去<05493>(8689)我的理<04941>,全能者<07706>使我心中<05315>愁苦<04843>(8689)。我指着永生的<02416>上帝<0410>起誓:
As God<0410> liveth<02416>, who hath taken away<05493>(8689) my judgment<04941>; and the Almighty<07706>, who hath vexed<04843>(8689) my soul<05315>; {vexed...: Heb. made my soul bitter}
3 {<03588>}{<03605>}我的生命<05397><05750>在我里面<09002>;上帝<0433>所赐呼吸之气<07307>仍在我的鼻孔<09002><0639>内。
All the while<05750> my breath<05397> is in me, and the spirit<07307> of God<0433> is in my nostrils<0639>; {the spirit...: that is, the breath which God gave him}
4 我的嘴<08193>决不<0518><01696>(8762)非义之言<05766>;我的舌<03956>也不<0518><01897>(8799)诡诈<07423>之语。
My lips<08193> shall not speak<01696>(8762) wickedness<05766>, nor my tongue<03956> utter<01897>(8799) deceit<07423>.
God forbid<02486> that I should justify<06663>(8686) you: till I die<01478>(8799) I will not remove<05493>(8686) mine integrity<08538> from me.
6 我持定<02388>(8689)我的义<09002><06666>,必不<03808>放松<07503>(8686);在世的日子<04480><03117>,我心<03824>必不<03808>责备<02778>(8799)我。
My righteousness<06666> I hold<02388>(8689) fast, and will not let it go<07503>(8686): my heart<03824> shall not reproach<02778>(8799) me so long as I live<03117>. {so long...: Heb. from my days}
Let mine enemy<0341>(8802) be as the wicked<07563>, and he that riseth up<06965>(8693) against me as the unrighteous<05767>.
8 不敬虔的人<02611>虽然<03588>得利<01214>(8799),{<03588>}上帝<0433>夺取<07953>(8799)其命<05315>的时候还有<03588>甚么<04100>指望<08615>呢?
For what is the hope<08615> of the hypocrite<02611>, though he hath gained<01214>(8799), when God<0433> taketh away<07953>(8799) his soul<05315>?
9 {<03588>}患难<06869><0935>(8799)到他<05921>,上帝<0410>岂能听<08085>(8799)他的呼求<06818>
Will God<0410> hear<08085>(8799) his cry<06818> when trouble<06869> cometh<0935>(8799) upon him?
10 他岂<0518><05921>全能者<07706>为乐<06026>(8691),随<09002><03605><06256>求告<07121>(8799)上帝<0433>呢?
Will he delight<06026>(8691) himself in the Almighty<07706>? will he always<06256> call<07121>(8799) upon God<0433>?
11 上帝<0410>的作为<09002><03027>,我要指教<03384>(8686)你们<0853>;全能者<07706>所行的<0834><05973>,我也不<03808>隐瞒<03582>(8762)
I will teach<03384>(8686) you by the hand<03027> of God<0410>: that which is with the Almighty<07706> will I not conceal<03582>(8762). {by...: or, being in the hand, etc}
12 {<02005>}你们<0859>自己也都<03605>见过<02372>(8804),为何<09001><04100><02088>全然<01892>变为虚妄<01891>(8799)呢?
Behold, all ye yourselves have seen<02372>(8804) it ; why then are ye thus altogether<01892> vain<01891>(8799)?
13 上帝<0410><05973><07563><0120>所定的分<02506>,强暴人<06184>从全能者<04480><07706>所得的<03947>(8799)报(原文是产业<05159>)乃是这样<02088>
This is the portion<02506> of a wicked<07563> man<0120> with God<0410>, and the heritage<05159> of oppressors<06184>, which they shall receive<03947>(8799) of the Almighty<07706>.
14 倘或<0518>他的儿女<01121>增多<07235>(8799),还是<09001><03926>被刀<02719>所杀;他的子孙<06631>必不得<03808><07646>(8799)<03899>
If his children<01121> be multiplied<07235>(8799), it is for<03926> the sword<02719>: and his offspring<06631> shall not be satisfied<07646>(8799) with bread<03899>.
15 他所遗留<08300>的人必死<09002><04194>而埋葬<06912>(8735);他的寡妇<0490>也不<03808>哀哭<01058>(8799)
Those that remain<08300> of him shall be buried<06912>(8735) in death<04194>: and his widows<0490> shall not weep<01058>(8799).
16 他虽<0518>积蓄<06651>(8799)银子<03701>如尘沙<09003><06083>,预备<03559>(8686)衣服<04403>如泥土<09003><02563>
Though he heap up<06651>(8799) silver<03701> as the dust<06083>, and prepare<03559>(8686) raiment<04403> as the clay<02563>;
17 他只管预备<03559>(8686),义人<06662>却要穿上<03847>(8799);他的银子<03701>,无辜的人<05355>要分取<02505>(8799)
He may prepare<03559>(8686) it , but the just<06662> shall put it on<03847>(8799), and the innocent<05355> shall divide<02505>(8799) the silver<03701>.
18 他建造<01129>(8804)房屋<01004>如虫<09003><06211>做窝,又如守望者<05341>(8802)所搭的<06213>(8804)<09003><05521>
He buildeth<01129>(8804) his house<01004> as a moth<06211>, and as a booth<05521> that the keeper<05341>(8802) maketh<06213>(8804).
19 他虽富足<06223>躺卧<07901>(8799),却不<03808>得收殓<0622>(8735),转眼之间<06491>(8804)<05869>就不在了<0369>
The rich<06223> man shall lie down<07901>(8799), but he shall not be gathered<0622>(8735): he openeth<06491>(8804) his eyes<05869>, and he is not.
20 惊恐<01091>如波涛<09003><04325>将他追上<05381>(8686);暴风<05492>在夜间<03915>将他刮去<01589>(8804)
Terrors<01091> take hold<05381>(8686) on him as waters<04325>, a tempest<05492> stealeth him away<01589>(8804) in the night<03915>.
21 东风<06921>把他飘去<05375>(8799),又刮<08175>(8762)他离开<03212>(8799)本处<04480><04725>
The east<06921> wind carrieth him away<05375>(8799), and he departeth<03212>(8799): and as a storm hurleth<08175>(8762) him out of his place<04725>.
22 上帝要向他<05921>射箭<07993>(8686),并不<03808>留情<02550>(8799);他恨不得逃脱<01272>(8800)<01272>(8799)上帝的手<04480><03027>
For God shall cast<07993>(8686) upon him, and not spare<02550>(8799): he would fain<01272>(8800) flee<01272>(8799) out of his hand<03027>. {he...: Heb. in fleeing he would flee}
23 人要向他<05921><05606>(8799)<03709>,并要发叱声<08319>(8799),使他<05921>离开本处<04480><04725>
Men shall clap<05606>(8799) their hands<03709> at him, and shall hiss<08319>(8799) him out of his place<04725>.

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