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111:1 你们要赞美<01984>(8761)耶和华<03050>!我要在正直人<03477>的大会中<09002><05475>,并公会<05712>中,一<09002><03605><03824>称谢<03034>(8686)耶和华<03068>
Praise<01984>(8761) ye the LORD<03050>. I will praise<03034>(8686) the LORD<03068> with my whole heart<03824>, in the assembly<05475> of the upright<03477>, and in the congregation<05712>. {Praise ye...: Heb. Hallelujah}
111:2 耶和华<03068>的作为<04639>本为大<01419>;凡<09001><03605>喜爱的<02655>都必考察<01875>(8803)
The works<04639> of the LORD<03068> are great<01419>, sought out<01875>(8803) of all them that have pleasure<02656> therein.
111:3 他所行的<06467>是尊荣<01935>和威严<01926>;他的公义<06666>存到<05975>(8802)永远<09001><05703>
His work<06467> is honourable<01935> and glorious<01926>: and his righteousness<06666> endureth<05975>(8802) for ever<05703>.
111:4 他行了<06213>(8804)奇事<09001><06381>(8737),使人记念<02143>;耶和华<03068>有恩惠<02587>,有怜悯<07349>
He hath made<06213>(8804) his wonderful works<06381>(8737) to be remembered<02143>: the LORD<03068> is gracious<02587> and full of compassion<07349>.
111:5 他赐<05414>(8804)粮食<02964>给敬畏他的人<09001><03373>;他必永远<09001><05769>记念<02142>(8799)他的约<01285>
He hath given<05414>(8804) meat<02964> unto them that fear<03373> him: he will ever<05769> be mindful<02142>(8799) of his covenant<01285>. {meat: Heb. prey}
111:6 他向百姓<09001><05971>显出<05046>(8689)大能<03581>的作为<04639>,把外邦<01471>的地赐<09001><05414>(8800)给他们<09001>为业<05159>
He hath shewed<05046>(8689) his people<05971> the power<03581> of his works<04639>, that he may give<05414>(8800) them the heritage<05159> of the heathen<01471>.
111:7 他手<03027>所行的<04639>是诚实<0571>公平<04941>;他的训词<06490><03605>是确实的<0539>(8737)
The works<04639> of his hands<03027> are verity<0571> and judgment<04941>; all his commandments<06490> are sure<0539>(8737).
111:8 是永永<09001><05703>远远<09001><05769>坚定的<05564>(8803),是按诚实<09002><0571>正直<03477>设立的<06213>(8803)
They stand fast<05564>(8803) for ever<05703> and ever<05769>, and are done<06213>(8803) in truth<0571> and uprightness<03477>. {stand...: Heb. are established}
111:9 他向百姓<09001><05971>施行<07971>(8804)救赎<06304>,命定<06680>(8765)他的约<01285>,直到永远<09001><05769>;他的名<08034><06918>而可畏<03372>(8737)
He sent<07971>(8804) redemption<06304> unto his people<05971>: he hath commanded<06680>(8765) his covenant<01285> for ever<05769>: holy<06918> and reverend<03372>(8737) is his name<08034>.
111:10 敬畏<03374>耶和华<03068>是智慧<02451>的开端<07225>;凡<09001><03605>遵行<06213>(8802)他命令的是聪明<07922><02896>人。耶和华是永远<05975>(8802)<09001><05703>当赞美<08416>的!
The fear<03374> of the LORD<03068> is the beginning<07225> of wisdom<02451>: a good<02896> understanding<07922> have all they that do<06213>(8802) his commandments : his praise<08416> endureth<05975>(8802) for ever<05703>. {a good...: or, good success} {his commandments: Heb. them}

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