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85 (可拉<07141>后裔的<09001><01121><04210>,交与伶长<09001><05329>(8764)。)耶和华<03068>啊,你已经向你的地<0776>施恩<07521>(8804),救回<07725>(8804)被掳的<07622>雅各<03290>
[FO][FO]To the chief Musician<05329>(8764), A Psalm<04210> for the sons<01121> of Korah<07141>.[Fo][Fo] LORD<03068>, thou hast been favourable<07521>(8804) unto thy land<0776>: thou hast brought back<07725>(8804) the captivity<07622>(8675)<07622> of Jacob<03290>. {for the sons: or, of the sons} {favourable: or, well pleased}
2 你赦免了<05375>(8804)你百姓<05971>的罪孽<05771>,遮盖了<03680>(8765)他们一切的<03605>过犯<02403>。(细拉<05542>
Thou hast forgiven<05375>(8804) the iniquity<05771> of thy people<05971>, thou hast covered<03680>(8765) all their sin<02403>. Selah<05542>.
3 你收<0622>(8804)转了<07725>(8689){<03605>}所发的忿怒<05678>和你猛烈的<04480><02740>怒气<0639>
Thou hast taken away<0622>(8804) all thy wrath<05678>: thou hast turned<07725>(8689) thyself from the fierceness<02740> of thine anger<0639>. {thyself...: or, thine anger from waxing hot}
4 拯救我们<03468>的 神<0430>啊,求你使我们回转<07725>(8798),叫你的恼恨<03708>向我们<05973>止息<06565>(8685)
Turn<07725>(8798) us, O God<0430> of our salvation<03468>, and cause thine anger<03708> toward us to cease<06565>(8685).
5 你要向我们<09002>发怒<0599>(8799)到永远<09001><05769>吗?你要将你的怒气<0639>延留<04900>(8799)到万代<09001><01755><01755>吗?
Wilt thou be angry<0599>(8799) with us for ever<05769>? wilt thou draw out<04900>(8799) thine anger<0639> to all<01755> generations<01755>?
Wilt thou not revive<02421>(8762) us again<07725>(8799): that thy people<05971> may rejoice<08055>(8799) in thee?
7 耶和华<03068>啊,求你使我们得见<07200>(8685)你的慈爱<02617>,又将你的救恩<03468><05414>(8799)给我们<09001>
Shew<07200>(8685) us thy mercy<02617>, O LORD<03068>, and grant<05414>(8799) us thy salvation<03468>.
8 我要听<08085>(8799) 神<0410>―耶和华<03068>所说<01696>(8762)的话<04100>;因为<03588>他必应许<01696>(8762)将平安<07965>赐给<0413>他的百姓<05971>―{<0413>}他的圣民<02623>;他们却不可<0408>再转<07725>(8799)去妄行<09001><03690>
I will hear<08085>(8799) what God<0410> the LORD<03068> will speak<01696>(8762): for he will speak<01696>(8762) peace<07965> unto his people<05971>, and to his saints<02623>: but let them not turn again<07725>(8799) to folly<03690>.
9 他的救恩<03468>诚然<0389>与敬畏他的人<09001><03373>相近<07138>,叫荣耀<03519><09001><07931>(8800)在我们的地上<09002><0776>
Surely his salvation<03468> is nigh<07138> them that fear<03373> him; that glory<03519> may dwell<07931>(8800) in our land<0776>.
10 慈爱<02617>和诚实<0571>彼此相遇<06298>(8738);公义<06664>和平安<07965>彼此相亲<05401>(8804)
Mercy<02617> and truth<0571> are met together<06298>(8738); righteousness<06664> and peace<07965> have kissed<05401>(8804) each other .
11 诚实<0571>从地<04480><0776>而生<06779>(8799);公义<06664>从天<04480><08064>而现<08259>(8738)
Truth<0571> shall spring out<06779>(8799) of the earth<0776>; and righteousness<06664> shall look down<08259>(8738) from heaven<08064>.
12 耶和华<03068><01571>将好处<02896>赐给<05414>(8799)我们;我们的地<0776>也要多出<05414>(8799)土产<02981>
Yea, the LORD<03068> shall give<05414>(8799) that which is good<02896>; and our land<0776> shall yield<05414>(8799) her increase<02981>.
13 公义<06664>要行<01980>(8762)在他面前<09001><06440>,叫他的脚踪<06471>成为<07760>(8799)可走的路<09001><01870>
Righteousness<06664> shall go<01980>(8762) before<06440> him; and shall set<07760>(8799) us in the way<01870> of his steps<06471>.

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