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82 (亚萨的<09001><0623><04210>。) 神<0430>站在<05324>(8737)有权力者<0410>的会中<09002><05712>,在诸神<0430><09002><07130>行审判<08199>(8799)
[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210> of Asaph<0623>.[Fo][Fo] God<0430> standeth<05324>(8737) in the congregation<05712> of the mighty<0410>; he judgeth<08199>(8799) among<07130> the gods<0430>. {of Asaph: or, for Asaph}
2 说:你们审判<08199>(8799)不秉公义<05766>,徇<05375>(8799)恶人<07563>的情面<06440>,要到<05704>几时<04970>呢?(细拉<05542>
How long will ye judge<08199>(8799) unjustly<05766>, and accept<05375>(8799) the persons<06440> of the wicked<07563>? Selah<05542>.
3 你们当为贫寒的人<01800>和孤儿<03490>伸冤<08199>(8798);当为困苦<06041>和穷乏的人<07326>(8802)施行公义<06663>(8685)
Defend<08199>(8798) the poor<01800> and fatherless<03490>: do justice<06663>(8685) to the afflicted<06041> and needy<07326>(8802). {Defend: Heb. Judge}
4 当保护<06403>(8761)贫寒<01800>和穷乏的人<034>,救<05337>(8685)他们脱离恶人<03027>的手<04480><03027>
Deliver<06403>(8761) the poor<01800> and needy<034>: rid<05337>(8685) them out of the hand<03027> of the wicked<07563>.
5 你们仍不<03808>知道<03045>(8804),也不<03808>明白<0995>(8799),在黑暗中<09002><02825>走来走去<01980>(8691);地<0776>的根基<04144><03605>摇动了<04131>(8735)
They know<03045>(8804) not, neither will they understand<0995>(8799); they walk<01980>(8691) on in darkness<02825>: all the foundations<04144> of the earth<0776> are out of course<04131>(8735). {out...: Heb. moved}
I have said<0559>(8804), Ye are gods<0430>; and all of you are children<01121> of the most High<05945>.
7 然而<0403>,你们要死<04191>(8799),与世人一样<09003><0120>,要仆倒<05307>(8799),像王子<08269>中的一位<09003><0259>
But<0403> ye shall die<04191>(8799) like men<0120>, and fall<05307>(8799) like one<0259> of the princes<08269>.
8  神<0430>啊,求你起来<06965>(8798)审判<08199>(8798)世界<0776>,因为<03588>你要<0859>得万<09002><03605><01471>为业<05157>(8799)
Arise<06965>(8798), O God<0430>, judge<08199>(8798) the earth<0776>: for thou shalt inherit<05157>(8799) all nations<01471>.

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