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122:1 (大卫<09001><01732>上行<04609>之诗<07892>。)人对我<09001><09002><0559>(8802):我们往耶和华<03068>的殿<01004><03212>(8799),我就欢喜<08055>(8804)
[FO][FO]A Song<07892> of degrees<04609> of David<01732>.[Fo][Fo] I was glad<08055>(8804) when they said<0559>(8802) unto me, Let us go<03212>(8799) into the house<01004> of the LORD<03068>.
122:2 耶路撒冷<03389>啊,{<01961>}我们的脚<07272><05975>(8802)在你的门内<09002><08179>
Our feet<07272> shall stand<05975>(8802) within thy gates<08179>, O Jerusalem<03389>.
122:3 耶路撒冷<03389>被建造<01129>(8803),如同连络<07945><02266>(8795)整齐<03162>{<09001>}的一座城<09003><05892>
Jerusalem<03389> is builded<01129>(8803) as a city<05892> that is compact<02266>(8795) together<03162>:
122:4 众支派<07626>,就是耶和华<03050>的支派<07626>,上<05927>(8804)那里<07945><08033>去,按以色列的<09001><03478>常例<05715>(或译:作以色列的证据)称赞<09001><03034>(8687)耶和华<03068>的名<09001><08034>
Whither<08033> the tribes<07626> go up<05927>(8804), the tribes<07626> of the LORD<03050>, unto the testimony<05715> of Israel<03478>, to give thanks<03034>(8687) unto the name<08034> of the LORD<03068>.
122:5 因为<03588>在那里<08033>设立<03427>(8804)审判的<09001><04941>宝座<03678>,就是大卫<01732>家的<09001><01004>宝座<03678>
For there are set<03427>(8804) thrones<03678> of judgment<04941>, the thrones<03678> of the house<01004> of David<01732>. {are...: Heb. do sit}
122:6 你们要为耶路撒冷<03389><07592>(8798)平安<07965>!耶路撒冷啊,爱你的人<0157>(8802)必然兴旺<07951>(8799)
Pray<07592>(8798) for the peace<07965> of Jerusalem<03389>: they shall prosper<07951>(8799) that love<0157>(8802) thee.
Peace<07965> be within thy walls<02426>, and prosperity<07962> within thy palaces<0759>.
For my brethren<0251> and companions<07453>' sakes, I will now say<01696>(8762), Peace<07965> be within thee.
Because of the house<01004> of the LORD<03068> our God<0430> I will seek<01245>(8762) thy good<02896>.

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