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87:1 (可拉<07141>后裔的<09001><01121><04210><07892>。)耶和华所立的根基<03248>在圣<06944>山上<09002><02042>
[FO][FO]A Psalm<04210> or Song<07892> for the sons<01121> of Korah<07141>.[Fo][Fo] His foundation<03248> is in the holy<06944> mountains<02042>. {for the sons: or, of the sons}
87:2 {<03068>}他爱<0157>(8802)锡安<06726>的门<08179>,胜于爱雅各<03290>一切的<04480><03605>住处<04908>
The LORD<03068> loveth<0157>(8802) the gates<08179> of Zion<06726> more than all the dwellings<04908> of Jacob<03290>.
87:3 上帝<0430>的城<05892>啊,有荣耀的事<03513>(8737)乃指着你<09002>说的<01696>(8794)。(细拉<05542>
Glorious things<03513>(8737) are spoken<01696>(8794) of thee, O city<05892> of God<0430>. Selah<05542>.
87:4 我要提起<02142>(8686)拉哈伯<07294>和巴比伦<0894>人,是在认识我之中的<09001><03045>(8802);看哪<02009>,非利士<06429>和泰尔<06865><05973>古实<03568>人,个个<02088><03205>(8795)在那里<08033>
I will make mention<02142>(8686) of Rahab<07294> and Babylon<0894> to them that know<03045>(8802) me: behold Philistia<06429>, and Tyre<06865>, with Ethiopia<03568>; this man was born<03205>(8795) there.
87:5 论到锡安<09001><06726>,必说<0559>(8735):这一个<0376>、那一个<0376>都生<03205>(8795)在其中<09002>,而且至高者<05945>必亲自<01931>坚立<03559>(8787)这城。
And of Zion<06726> it shall be said<0559>(8735), This and that man<0376> was born<03205>(8795) in her: and the highest<05945> himself shall establish<03559>(8787) her.
87:6 当耶和华<03068>记录<09002><03789>(8800)万民<05971>的时候,他要点出<05608>(8799)这一个<02088><03205>(8795)在那里<08033>。(细拉<05542>
The LORD<03068> shall count<05608>(8799), when he writeth up<03789>(8800) the people<05971>, that this man was born<03205>(8795) there. Selah<05542>.
87:7 歌唱的<07891>(8802),跳舞的<09003><02342>(8802),都要说:我的泉源<04599><03605>在你里面<09002>
As well the singers<07891>(8802) as the players<02490>(8802) on instruments shall be there : all my springs<04599> are in thee.

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