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 {Valley} (pharagx). Here only in the N.T., though in the
LXX and ancient Greek. It is a ravine or valley hedged in by
precipices. {Shall be filled} (pl(8872)(9374)h(8873)etai). Future passive
indicative of pl(8872)o(935c). In 1845 when the Sultan visited Brusa the
inhabitants were called out to clear the roads of rocks and to
fill up the hollows. Oriental monarchs often did this very thing.
A royal courier would go ahead to issue the call. So the Messiah
sends his herald (John) before him to prepare the way for him.
Isaiah described the preparation for the Lord's triumphal march
and John used it with great force. {Hill} (ounos). Called a
Cyrenaic word by Herodotus, but later Greek writers use it as
does the LXX. {Brought low} (	apein(9374)h(8873)etai). Future passive
indicative of 	apeino(935c). Literal meaning here of a verb common
in the metaphorical sense. {Crooked} (skolia). Common word,
curved, opposite of orthos or euthus, straight.

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