约翰一书 4章17节 到 4章17节     上一笔  下一笔
 {Herein} (en tout(9369)). It is not clear whether the hina
clause (sub-final use) is in apposition with en tout(9369) as in
 Joh 15:8  or the hoti clause (because) with the hina clause
as parenthesis. Either makes sense. Westcott argues for the
latter idea, which is reinforced by the preceding sentence. {With
us} (meth' h(886d)(936e)). Construed with the verb 	etelei(9374)ai (is
perfected). In contrast to en h(886d)in (verses  12,16 ),
emphasising cooperation. "God works with man" (Westcott). For
boldness (parr(8873)ian) in the day of judgment (only here with
both articles, but often with no articles as in  2Pe 2:9 ) see
 2:28 . {As he is} (kath(9373) ekeinos estin). That is Christ as in
 2:6  3:3,5,7,16 . Same tense (present) as in  3:7 . "Love is a
heavenly visitant" (David Smith). We are in this world to
manifest Christ.

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