约翰一书 2章16节 到 2章16节     上一笔  下一笔
 {All that} (p(836e) to). Collective use of the neuter singular
as in  5:4 , like p(836e) ho in  Joh 6:37,39 . Three examples, not
necessarily covering all sins, are given in the nominative in
apposition with p(836e) to. "The lust of the flesh" (h(8820)epithumia
t(8873) sarkos, subjective genitive, lust felt by the flesh) may be
illustrated by  Mr 4:19  Ga 5:17 . So the genitive with h(880a)epithumia t(936e) ophthalm(936e) (the lust of the eyes) is subjective,
lust with the eyes as organs as shown by Jesus in  Mt 5:28 . The
use of the "movies" today for gain by lustful exhibitions is a
case in point. For alazoneia see on 浥as 4:16|, the only other
N.T. example. Alaz(936e) (a boaster) occurs in  Ro 1:30  2Ti 3:2 .
Bios (life) as in  3:17  is the external aspect ( Lu 8:14 ),
not the inward principle (z(9388)). David Smith thinks that, as in
the case of Eve ( Ge 3:1-6 ) and the temptations of Jesus ( Mt
4:1-11 ), these three sins include all possible sins. But they
are all "of the world" (ek tou kosmou) in origin, in no sense
"of the Father" (ek tou patros). The problem for the believer
is always how to be in the world and yet not of it ( Joh
17:11,14ff. ).

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