哥林多前书 7章15节 到 7章15节     上一笔  下一笔
 {Is not under bondage} (ou dedoul(9374)ai). Perfect passive
indicative of doulo(935c), to enslave, has been enslaved, does not
remain a slave. The believing husband or wife is not at liberty
to separate, unless the disbeliever or pagan insists on it.
Wilful desertion of the unbeliever sets the other free, a case
not contemplated in Christ's words in  Mt 5:32  19:9 . Luther
argued that the Christian partner, thus released, may marry
again. But that is by no means clear, unless the unbeliever
marries first. {But God hath called us in peace} (en de eir(886e)(8869)
kekl(886b)en h(886d)as or humas). Perfect active indicative of
kale(935c), permanent call in the sphere or atmosphere of peace. He
does not desire enslavement in the marriage relation between the
believer and the unbeliever.

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