马太福音 25章6节 到 25章6节     上一笔  下一笔
 {There is a cry} (kraug(8820)gegonen). A cry has come.
Dramatic use of the present perfect (second perfect active)
indicative, not the perfect for the aorist. It is not estin,
but gegonen which emphasizes the sudden outcry which has rent
the air. The very memory of it is preserved by this tense with
all the bustle and confusion, the rushing to the oil-venders.
{Come ye forth to meet him} (exerchesthe eis apant(8873)in). Or, Go
out for meeting him, dependent on whether the cry comes from
outside the house or inside the house where they were sleeping
because of the delay. It was a ceremonial salutation neatly
expressed by the Greek phrase.

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