撒母耳记上 28章19节 到 28章19节     上一笔  下一笔
 * the Lord.
  12:25  31:1-6  1Ki 22:20,28 
 * and to-morrow.
   There is considerable diversity of opinion, both among learned
   and pious men, relative to this appearance to Saul.  But the
   most probable opinion seems to be, that Samuel himself did
   actually appear to Saul, not by the power of enchantment, but
   by the appointment and especial mercy of God, to warn this
   infatuated monarch of his approaching end, that he might be
   reconciled with his Maker.  There is not the smallest
   intimation of chicanery or Satanic influence given in the
   text; but on the contrary, from the plain and obvious meaning
   of the language employed, it is perfectly evident that it was
   Samuel himself, {Shemooel hoo,} as it is expressed in ver. 14.
   Indeed the very soul of Samuel seems to breathe in his
   expressions of displeasure against the disobedience and
   wickedness of Saul; while the awful prophetic denunciations
   which accordingly came to pass, were such as neither human nor
   diabolical wisdom could foresee, and which could only be known
   to God himself, and to those to whom he chose to reveal them.

  Ex 9:18  Jer 28:16,17  Da 5:25-28  Mt 26:24  Ac 5:5,9,10 

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